I leave it up to gamemasters to create a more detailed map as needed. The black lines are wooden walls, structural rating of 3. The skins on the doorways and bed have a structural rating of 1. The toilet is just a hole in the floor, with a bowl of water nearby. Weapons available in the storage area are 12 spears, 4 knives, 3 bows, 60 arrows, 2 quivers, and 1 staff. There are about 5 sets of clothing for Savage, and 6 for Keisha. The table and chairs are soft wood, structural rating of 1, and contain some crude bowls and plates.

Savage's dwelling is located in the forest on the North-West side of the island. It is in an ancient tree raised approximately 75 feet off the ground. It can be accessed by loose vines hanging down the side of the tree, or a crude ladder secured directly to the tree. The roof is largely flat with a raised and covered chimney over the fire pit. The fire pit is lined with igneous rock.
Forbidden Island - Villains and Vigilantes Source Book
Created and maintained by Craig "Pandemonium" Griswold, pandemonium(at)elpasotel.net